What to Feed a Dog With Collapsed Trachea

Our senior fur babies are delicate creatures, all we want is the best for them but sometimes bumps in the road occur, which can be scary for pet parents and pets.

Papucho is a beautiful, scruffy poodle mix, now 17. It broke our hearts to hear this sweet pup had unfortunately hit a few health bumps at once. Papucho was suffering from a collapsed trachea.

The cartilage holding a tube-shaped breathing pathway that opens collapses and compromises the breathing pathway. This is an, unfortunately, irreversible condition and is also a common condition for small dogs. This happens in middle to older-age pets. Some common breeds affected include Poodles, Chihuahua's, Pomeranian's, Yorkshire terriers.

papucho sick dog

Along with this new health concern, Papucho also had fluid in his lungs and later on also discovered he was experiencing liver failure and his pancreas wasn't doing too well either.

So many health concerns surfacing at once can be overwhelming, to say the least, but his pawrent Cynthia sprung into action and was prepared to try everything she needed to make his life more comfortable and enjoyable. Her friend  @_kittysunshine_ recommended she add NHV Natural supplements to Papucho's diet. Shortly after, his new regimen began with our Hearty heart, Resp-aid, and milk thistle.


Only a week after using NHV's supplements Cynthia left us this review:

As you can see Papucho is doing much better thanks to @nhvnaturalpet he's been on natural meds for a week and also taking medical-grade CBD oil and so far our boy is back he's running around eating 2-3 meals a day plus snacks he still has he's cough due to he's collapsed trachea but is doing much better getting him off the vet meds was the best decision we have made a huge I mean huge thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ @_kittysunshine_ for recommending @nhvnaturalpet to us this has changed our sweet boy's life we love you so much thank you all for your prayers sweet messages and comments.
Papucho dog

This was such a wonderful message to receive. There is not a lot that can be done to 'treat' a collapsed trachea. All one can do is manage the symptoms it brings. We were happy the regimen was helping Papucho and so quickly too.

A month later we received another positive update:

Update: with such joy we bring you wonderful news it's been 1 month since my sweet 16 year old senior baby boy started his journey with all natural meds from @nhvnaturalpet prior to this 1 year n half ago my baby was suffering from he's trachea being collapsed forward to about 2 months ago he started having complications coughing really bad to the point he would collapse we rushed him to the vet test where done and we got such bad news he's trachea had worsen he's lungs where filled with fluid he's heart enlarged also a slight heart murmur showing signs of liver and pancreas damaged we where devastated vet put him on medication that turned him into a zombie like a vegetable we knew this was not a quality of life we wanted for him he had stopped eating as well we didn't want to put him down but we didn't want him to suffer either we didn't know what to do until our wonderful friend @_kittysunshine_ recommended @nhvnaturalpet they have been amazing to us answered all our questions and concerns so quickly he's been taking milk thistle for he's liver combined with hearty heart for he's heart ❤ and resp aid for he's respiratory system all these natural meds combined have been like a miracle to us we saw results within the first week now a month later our baby boy is back to his old self he still has a cough but nothing like before its really minimal he also gained he's appetite again he loves to play he's a happy baby again this is the quality of life that he deserves …..
papucho dog in swing collapsed trachea

This pup looks happier than ever and we are always so touched to see such transformations. As Papucho continues to live his golden years in good health, we shall tweak his regimen as needed for his comfort.

Natural protocol for dogs with collapsed trachea

Depending upon the severity, other clinical signs like rapid breathing, blue gums, and periods of fainting may occur.

A dog with a collapsing trachea experiences bouts of distinctive goose-honk cough that seems to worsen when he gets excited or is exercising or eating – essentially whenever pressure is being applied to the trachea. Depending upon the severity, other clinical signs like rapid breathing, blue gums, and periods of fainting may occur.

Since there is very little you can do mechanically, a holistic veterinarian will try to help ease the symptoms in the following ways:

  • Suppress the cough – the constant coughing can cause discomfort and irritation. A herbal blend like Resp-Aid helps lubricate the mucous membranes and reduce the cough.
  • Reduce inflammation – corticosteroids are often prescribed for dogs with collapsed trachea. A natural anti-inflammatory herb Yucca is rich in corticosteroids. It can also help reduce discomfort.
  • Support the lungs – healthier lungs can help ease the pressure put on the trachea. Resp-Aid can help achieve this naturally.
  • Help eliminate stress – since anxiety or excitability can lead to 'attacks', it is important that dogs with a collapsed trachea are provided support to maintain stress levels. Natural supplements like Lesstress and Matricalm can help a lot.
  • Fight infection– dogs with a collapsed trachea are vulnerable to respiratory infections. Antibiotics are often prescribed for this purpose. Stimmune is a natural blend that has herbs with antibiotic properties and can help the body fight these infections. Resp-Aid too has infection fighting properties.

Does your dog suffer from a collapsed trachea.? Your dog's regimen might differ from Papucho's. Contact a NHV Pet Expert directly to find the best supplements for your dog.


Source: https://nhvpethealth.com/blog/supporting-a-dog-with-collapsed-trachea-a-breath-of-fresh-air-for-papucho/

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